Our discipleship class is a lively time of discussion and teaching. All are welcome to attend.
For our discipleship class on Wednesdays at 7:00pm, we will be reading and discussion the classic book, Knowing God by J.I. Packer. While reading along is encouraged it is not required to join the discussion.
There are two ways to get the book in a timely manner (Amazon prime won’t arrive until around May 9):
The Kindle version is available immediately for $7.99.
You can buy a used copy for as low as $4. Shipping will likely take about a week.
Join our meetings through this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/469104119
The meeting ID is 469 104 119. The password is: grace
The discussion will follow the schedule below though please join even if you are behind in the reading:
Knowing God Reading Schedule
April 22
1. “The Study of God”
2. “The People who Know their God”
3. “Knowing and Being Known”
April 29
4. “The Only True God”
5. “God Incarnate”
6. “He Shall Testify”
May 6
7. “God Unchanging”
8. “The Majesty of God”
9. “God Only Wise”
10. “God’s Wisdom and Ours”
May 13
11. “The Word is Truth”
12. “The Love of God”
13. “The Grace of God”
May 20
14. “God the Judge”
15. “The Wrath of God”
16. “Goodness and Severity”
17. “The Jealous God”
May 27
18. “The Heart of the Gospel”
19. “Sons of God”
20. “Thou our Guide”
21. “These Inward Trials”
22. “The Adequacy of God”