Back by popular demand, the next First Friday Fellowship will be Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?!! Dinner will be at a church member’s home on October 4th @ 6:00. Sign up to be a Host/Hostess OR a Guest before Sunday, September 29th. Hosts will indicate how many people they can accommodate in their home, and guests will list how many adults and children (if any) that will attend as well as any food restrictions. Sue McNamara will try to match up people who may not know each other very well and will e-mail the Hosts and the Guests on Sunday, September 29th. The guests will be a mystery to the Hosts; the Hosts will be told only the count of guests and any food restrictions. The guests will receive the address of the Host, but not the Host’s name, so please don’t try to figure it out. The mystery is half the fun! Dress casually, this is not a formal event. Hopefully, it will be a fun way to get to know each other better!